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Relation between Thailand and Wallonia


Trade - Commerce

The year 2018 has been an important milestone in the relationship between the Kingdoms of Belgium and Thailand as it was the 150th anniversary of the first Treaty of Friendship and Trade concluded between Belgium and Siam in 1868. On this occasion, many events were organized in both countries to commemorate this memorable date.

The trade between Thailand and Belgium has remained relatively stable in the last decade and with the possibility of resuming negotiations on the EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement very soon, the prospects for accelerated growth of trade flows are optimistic.

Currently, BELGIUM is the 11th largest exporter with a share of 2,4% and the 14th largest importer of goods worldwide with 2,2% of world imports.

Thailand is the 42nd client of Belgium, exports to Thailand representing around 1.0 billion euros and the 34th supplier, with 1.4 billion euros of imports from Thailand.

The two first classes of products for imports from Thailand are “Transport Equipment” and “Machinery and Equipment”.


In terms of exports to Thailand, “Precious metals and stones” and “Products of the Chemical and allied industries (mainly pharma)” represent almost 60% of the total.



In 2017, the amount of the Walloon exportation across the globe was more than 40 billion euros. It has increased by more than 8% in 2017.

In 2017, the global value of the Walloon exportation in Thailand was 162 million euros, which was quite exceptional due to a large increase in exports in the pharmaceutical sector. Thailand is the 49th client of Wallonia.

Wallonia main exports to Thailand are from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries with nearly half the total of exports (January to September 2018). “Live animals and animal products” represents 17% of the total.
